About us



BIBO International Company Limited于二0一九年四月十六日在香港成立。作为 “全球身份规划大师” ,对接国家移民战略,以全程透明,专业投顾,安心便捷为服务标准,把平凡做到极致。无论您身在何处,我们都会第一时间提供全方位的专属服务。专业来自品质,品质源于实力。

Company profile:            

Bibo International Company Limited was established in Hong Kong on April 16, 2019. As a "master of global identity planning", it is connected with the National Immigration strategy, with the whole transparent process , professional investment, and convenience as the service standard. No matter where you are, we will provide a full range of exclusive services at the first time. Specialty comes from quality, quality comes from strength.
